Midwest-wide Climate Research Agenda
A multi-stage process of literature and data review, key stakeholder interviews and surveys, and community engagement that will identify and define immediate and long-term climate priorities for the Midwest. The Agenda aims to synthesize what is already known about climate impacts and solutions in the Midwest; to develop strategies that can inform and accelerate climate mitigation and adaptation in the Midwest during the next 10 years; and to build a network of climate researchers across the Midwest to facilitate research collaboration, research translation, and in so doing, enhance the profile of Midwestern climate experts.
Midwest Climate Resource Network

This project aims to help external and internal audiences easily access, contribute to, and use the information that exists around climate action in the region. Visit the Midwest Climate Resource Network at midwestcrn.org.
Climate Ambassadors program
Being developed in partnership with the Local Science Engagement Network of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at both the faculty/professional and graduate student/postdoc level. The Ambassadors program will provide training in science communication and community engagement to increase capacity for partners. Ambassadors will generate and disseminate climate change information and act as a liaison between the scientific community and other influential thought leaders.

Educator Community of Practice
Carleton College, Indiana University, and Washington University are developing a structure (workshops and a resource library) for a Midwestern educator community of practice that initially focuses on providing a space to more fully develop and continue conversations begun in the Think Tank series. Initial workshops will include campus-wide climate curricular requirements and specific curricular requirements for majors.

As an overarching consideration across projects, the MCC is working to support and compile ambitious, science-informed mitigation and adaptation targets being developed and adopted by Midwestern institutes of Higher Education, non-profits, and corporations. With a focus on MCC members, this document serves as an opportunity to learn from other communities and the goals they have created.
Find more information here if you are interested in getting involved with the Midwest Climate Collaborative.