INSTITUTION | College of Menominee Nation – Sustainable Development Institute
POSITION | Midwest Tribal Resilience Liaison
Sara Smith is a direct descendant of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and is the Midwest Tribal Resilience Liaison with the College of Menominee Nation – Sustainable Development Institute, in association with the Northeast (NE) and Midwest (MW) Climate Adaptation Science Centers.
As the liaison for the Midwest, she works on facilitating stronger relationships between Tribes, climate researchers, organizations, and the NE/MW CASCs. In addition, she works with Tribes to build capacity and provides support by helping identify gaps and assisting with climate resilience efforts.
Sara holds a Master of Science in Ecology from the State University of New York-College of Environmental Science and Forestry and undergraduate degrees in Biology and First Nation Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
Sara serves as a co-chair on the Climate action sub-committee and also serves on the Outreach & Engagement sub-committee.