The Midwest Climate Collaborative (MCC) is a cross-sector membership organization with the mission to facilitate the development of a coherent Midwestern response to the climate crisis through acceleration of climate action, knowledge and leader development led by a cross-sector collaboration of key organizations throughout the Midwest. 

At this time, MCC is only accepting organizational memberships, not individual memberships.

Free trial memberships for Tribes, Minority Serving Institutions, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Tribal Colleges and Universities are available.

Membership Eligibility

Membership includes higher education institutions, including HBCUs and TCUs; nonprofit organizations; Midwestern state, local and Tribal governments; and businesses. Membership should be on behalf of groups and organizations, not individuals from the community.

Member Dues

Member dues are determined on a sliding scale that accounts for organization size, type, and ability to contribute (see dues chart).


Members can use the network to share job openings and seek letters of support from the MCC. They are also the first to receive RFCs (Requests for Collaboration) for joint grant proposals.

Development Opportunities

  • Participation in topical and regional interest working groups
  • Participation in projects such as the Educator Community of Practice, the Midwest Climate Resource Network, and the Midwest Climate Research Agenda 
  • Opportunities to learn and share through Collaborative wide events, webinars, newsletters, workshops, peer to peer trainings, and other networking opportunities throughout the region, such as the Midwest Climate Summit

Funding Opportunities

  • Eligible for joint grant proposals 
  • Eligible to propose, initiate, and lead collaborative projects funded through the MCC
  • Coordinated fundraising for Collaborative-specific collaborative projects

Collaboration Opportunities 

  • Two free registrations to the annual Midwest Climate Summit and reduced prices thereafter
  • Access to regular Collaborative updates and news from across the MCC region
  • Unique opportunities for students, including paid student positions
  • Access to professional staff, who help orient you to the collaborative and connect you with fellow members or projects
  • Access to the Collaborative’s private forum where members collaborate and share resources
  • Ability to leverage the MCC Network in grant reports and proposals and include the MCC logo on the organization’s website
  • Midwest Climate resources (members can add and view database and plans)

Leadership and Influence Opportunities

  • Participation in Collaborative governance (e.g., voting in Steering Committee elections or Collaborative-wide goals and priorities)
  • Eligibility to serve on the Steering Committee 


  • Active participation throughout the year in at least one project or governance
  • Attend the Annual Meeting
  • Participate in goal setting and share results
  • Complete the Collaborative orientation process
  • Submit an annual membership renewal form
  • Participate in the Collaborative’s private website where members collaborate and share resources
  • Share information
  • Designate a primary contact within the organization who facilitates communication and responds to inquiries from the Collaborative
  • Abide by the Collaborative’s ground rules
  • Use collaborative membership list only for collaboration and sharing, not for fundraising or other activities that benefit your organization alone
  • Nominate 2 students to serve on the student committee for 1-2 year commitment (higher education members only)

Joining the Midwest Climate Collaborative

 If your organization is interested in joining the Midwest Climate Collaborative, please contact for additional information

Current Members

Academy of Science – St. Louis
City of Bloomington, IN
City of Brentwood, MO
Build Missouri Health
Capital Area Regional Planning Commission
Carleton College
Center for Rural Affairs
City of Carbondale, IL
Chicago Wilderness Alliance, IL
Case Western Reserve University
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
City of Clayton, MO
Clean Air Task Force
Clean Wisconsin
Climate Central
Climate Action KC
City of Columbus, OH
Cook County, IL
Couillard Solar Foundation
Dane County, WI
Delta Institute
City of Des Moines, IA
Douglas County, KS
Cuyahoga County, OH
Earth Charter, IN
Ecology Action Center
The EcoTheatre Lab
Employment Connection
Environmental Protection Network
City of Evanston, IL
City of Evansville, IN
Foundation for Regeneration
Great Plains Institute
Green Umbrella
Illinois Agri-Food Alliance
Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
City of Indianapolis, IN
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
Kane County, IL
Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium
City of Kansas City, MO
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
Lincoln University
City of Lincoln, NE
Michigan State University
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Mississippi River Network
Missouri Botanical Garden
Missouri Gateway Green Building Council
Missouri Historical Society
Missouri University of Science and Technology
MOST Policy Initiative
The Morton Arboretum
City of Naperville, IL
National Audubon Society
National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
The Nature Conservancy in Illinois
The Nature Conservancy, Nebraska Program
Network for Public Health Law
Oberlin College and Conservatory
Principia College
RE-AMP Network
Renew Missouri
City of St. Louis, MO
Saint Louis Science Center
Saint Louis Zoo
Sierra Club, Hoosier Chapter
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Sustainable Resources Center
The Ohio State University
The Resilient Activist
University of Michigan
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability
Urban Land Institute – St. Louis
Village of Northbrook, IL
Washington University in St. Louis
Wisconsin Local Government Climate Coalition